Say hello to iBook
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<< Say hello to iBook>> was a successful advertising slogan in print and television ads. A 4-sided iBook booklet in letter format showed the Clamshell in front and rear view. When opened, the beautiful screen and keyboard showed up. Click: A larger version of the picture. Sorry, my scanner didn't get the full size, a small part is missing.
Video: Macintosh Power of Two
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Homemade Youtube film. Two friends agree: The new PowerBook can't compete with the original Clamshell iBook.
Macenstein: Mac Chick of the month with Clamshell iBook
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The american website MACENSTEIN (Link: Wayback Machine)presents randomly a "Mac chick of the month". The formula for success: attractive young ladies present their favorite Apple products.
The x-rated Chick of the month december 2011 Tara Babcock (Link: Wayback Machine) poses amongst other things with a Blueberry iBook - a proof that the Clamshell has still an appealing effect on girls.
Please use the link only if you are 16 or older ;-)
No iBook promotion: Film Zack and Miri make a Porno
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The comedy film "Zack and Miri make a Porno" by Kevin Smith (2008) has a dysfunctional iBook as a supporting role. Zack (Seth Rogen) and Miri (Elizabeth Banks) are roommates, they have been friends since the first grade. Despite Miri working at the local shopping mall and Zack working at a coffee shop, they have not paid their utility bills in months,
Read more: No iBook promotion: Film Zack and Miri make a Porno